Essential Tips for Changing Your Wardrobe from Winter to Spring

When the cold days of winter are behind us and the warmer weather of spring upon us, it is the perfect time to think about rotating your seasonal wardrobe.

Transitioning your wardrobe from winter to spring doesn’t need to be difficult!

Here are Homefulness’ expert tips for decluttering and organising as you go about your seasonal wardrobe transition.

Remove your off season clothing

Begin the spring transition by sorting through your current wardrobe. As you go through, remove any items that you don’t believe you will wear in the spring and summer months.

This might include items such as:

  • Thick jumpers and chunky knits

  • Warm winter coats and jackets

  • Wool trousers and skirts

  • Furs and leathers

  • Thick socks and tights

  • Thermals

  • Boots and seasonal shoes

  • Winter handbags

  • Hats, scarves and gloves

By rotating these bulkier items out of your wardrobe for the warmer months, you will free up wardrobe space for your warm weather clothing and accessories.

However don’t be too hasty in packing away all of your mid to lightweight jumpers and cardigans as they are such versatile pieces that you may want them accessible for cooler days and evenings.

Honestly purge your inventory

As you are sorting through your inventory, you should honestly assess each item.

Ask yourself whether you want to hold on to it, thinking about its condition, how it fits, how often you wear it and how much you enjoy wearing it, instead of how much you paid for it or who might have gifted it to you.

If you can’t remember the last time you wore an item or it no longer brings you joy, this often means it’s time for you to let the item go. Doing so enables you to make space for the items you really love.

If there are items you decide to let go of, you can decide to discard or recycle (if the item is damaged beyond repair), donate or sell them.

Whatever you decide to do, do it sooner rather than later so that the items don’t end up sitting around causing clutter in your home.

Prepare your clothes for storage

It is important to prepare the winter clothing you have decided to store away over the spring and summer months for storage.

Getting these items ready for storage is a great time to check for missing buttons, broken zips, stains etc. There is nothing worse than unpacking your seasonal clothing only to discover that your favourite top needs dry cleaning straight away.

De-pilling jumpers prior to storage is an easy step to ensure they come out in Autumn looking and feeling great. You can use either a jumper comb or an electric jumper shaver to complete this task.

Once this task has been completed, you should wash everything to keep odours at bay.

Remember to give your seasonal shoes some attention prior to storage too!

During your review, assess the soles and heels for wear or damage and repair as necessary. Wash and polish pairs before storing winter clothes away to ensure they are ready to wear when they come back out!

Ways to store seasonal winter clothes

There are several options for storing your winter wardrobe. These are some important things to consider when deciding on the best option for you:

  • What volume of clothing, shoes and accessories do you need to store?

  • What will you be storing the items in?

  • Where will you be storing them?

What you decide to store your items in will depend on the quantity of items and the area you are storing them in.

For example, under bed storage, where dust will gather, will require different containment than in bins on higher wardrobe shelves, whilst storage in a garage, attic or basement will require sealed waterproof bins.

It is important to fold clothes well prior to storage to ensure they are kept as nice as possible. For items such as cashmere, loose folding is preferable, whilst other less delicate items can be file-folded to maximise space.

Be sure to keep a little space at the top of each container bin to allow your clothing to breathe during storage and add cedar sachets to keep moths at bay.

If you have enough space in your existing wardrobe to store off-season clothes you can utilise bins on upper shelves and sturdy hanging storage bags.

Whatever storage option you decide upon for your seasonal clothing, be sure to add labels to everything to enable easy location of items come Autumn.

Reorganise your wardrobe with in-season items

Now that you have stored away your winter clothes, you can focus on reintroducing your spring / summer items into your wardrobe.

As you put everything away, be sure to assess each item for any damage and stains you may have missed when putting them away into storage.

You should set up a system of organisation in your wardrobe for the coming months.

One way to organise your wardrobe is in categories by clothing type (e.g. skirts together, dresses together, long-long sleeved blouses together, short-sleeved blouses together and so on).

Then within each type of clothing, you can organise your clothing by colour for a sleek aesthetic.

Consider the hangers you are using

Hangers come in a variety of shapes and fabrics as they are made to serve a number of different purposes from hanging delicate items such as blouses, camisoles and skirts as well as everyday items like jeans, trousers and shirts.

Slimline velvet hangers are versatile and an excellent choice to help you maximise hanging space and organise your clothes by item.

As well as this, matching hangers can greatly improve the overall aesthetic of your wardrobe. As you organise your wardrobe and reintroduce in-season items, consider investing in matching hangers.

Having matching hangers hung side by side in your wardrobe reduces visual clutter and means there is one less thing to filter when selecting an item of clothing.

Need help with your seasonal wardrobe transition?

Transitioning your wardrobe from winter to spring needn’t be a mammoth task. As these organisational tips show, by making a few considered choices during the process, you can end up with a neat and organised wardrobe all year around.

At Homefulness we have supported many clients in transitioning their wardrobes between the seasons, implementing systems of organisation that make selecting outfits so much easier!

Be sure to check out our wardrobe how-to guide for some more in-depth guidance on organising your clothing and accessories the Homefulness way. Whether your wardrobe storage space is large or small, there is an organisation system that will work!

If you need help with your wardrobe transition, don’t hesitate to get in touch - Homefulness is here to help!


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